Tuesday, August 31

Thai Chicken

SIGH! Thai Chicken. It was a huge success. EVEN Gramma liked it and it has a slow heat to it (she's not fond of spicy foods). It's fairly simply dish. Just get A Taste of Thai Peanut Sauce mix from your local grocery store. Brown up some chicken. Cook up some rice, add a few veggies (in my case we did Broccoli) AND (in the words of Emeril) BAM! you have Thai Chicken. You can do all different variations of this dish...with rice noodles, with steak, with pork, with turkey, with onions, with ANYTHING! I love the peanut sauce it's simply the easiest one I've used (not that I've used many) hahah! Mom says that this is one to keep on the books, she's started to <3 the ones we like. hahah this will get a BIG heart!

As usual I got some pics: 

This is the peanut sauce. It just adds soo much color to the plate. 

Rice, Chicken, Broccoli and Peanut Sauce... YUM!!

The PERFECT bite!
A satisfied sampler (that's fancy for eater)!
Arin's probably the toughest critic, that's fancy for picky! Now you know it's good!
 Well my avid fans. I hope you get as much success from this one as I did! Tomorrow is Baked Potatoes...hold on I have a special way to bake these Hot Ones...Until tomorrow...Fancy it up!


  1. Looks yummy! Great job Ashe!

  2. Thanks Steph! Creating a blog is super easy you just to find something you are interested in and blog. It's amazing how many people are interested in just about anything!

  3. I love how we are your guinea pigs (that's fancy for people who have no clue what they're getting themselves into...) BUT in this case we were glad it was us and that no one else stole anymore of the peanut sauce than necessary. I'm gonna miss my fancy feasts!
    Maybe your blog will help me to fancy it up in Idaho! Love you!
